Yuuji Endou MBTI 성격 유형

Yuuji Endou MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Yuuji Endou은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Yuuji Endou은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - so/sp - 683, big 5의 RCUAN, socionics의 LSE입니다."

"He's a snake. A professor of doubting people." "Everything that lives on this Earth... is something he doubts!" More inclined to say ESTJ with how he acts in the current arc of the manga; he's extremely bossy, demanding, and controlling, but creative, flexible, receptive to new ideas and always seeking out more information - we have Te, Si, and Ne all coming together to make for a very good and particular problem solver, someone who pays proper attention to the details while also bringing in new ideas. He's always looking for opportunities; every deal, every agreement, everything - relentlessly opportunistic in a way that makes full use of his Ne. Also this guy has **** Fi and it shows through constantly. Simply put, his Ne's too good and used too frequently to be inferior, while he doesn't showcase much Fi besides his not unfrequent temper tantrums and acts of vicious spite against people who wrong and disappoint him. Just clear Te-Fi conflicts in this guy. 6w5 seems pretty apparent to me. He's abrasive and bossy so he resembles an 8, and he has a strong 8 fix, but those quotes say it all, right?


애니메이션 & 만화 Yuuji Endou과 유사한 문자
