Ben Stone MBTI 성격 유형


"Ben Stone은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ben Stone은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - sp/so - 612, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 LII입니다."

His mistyping is so wrong that it almost makes me want to kill myself. He is a very clear INTJ. People have this romanticised version of INTJ but an everyday INTJ would most likely look like him. And who in the **** would even type him as an INTP. Just because he is mathematics professor. He has clear Ni that causes him tunnel vision. His inf Se gets the best of him when he is stressed and wants to shut out the world relying on his logical thinking Te and Ni to find the solution to practically everything instead of accepting the situation for what it is and actively experiencing the present or staying in the present moment. Always thinking what to the next thing, always thinking what's ahead. His Fi is pretty well developed, that's why he doesn't seem like the "stereotypical" INTJ. He does not have an inf Fe. People who have Te function above Fi will be blunt with what they think because they have their own internal compass when it comes to feeling and emotions and they feel like they are doing the other person a favor by ripping off the band aid, where as a Fe inf does it out of clueless and less social awareness. He is a lot more socially aware to be Fe inf and he does not get strained by using his Fi function, whereas whenever he uses his Se, he needs to recuperate by isolating himself from the world. He is probably a 5w4 or a 5w6. People need to see he unlike 6s is not looking at all worst case scenarios all the time but he is going through tough situations that can make anyone like that.


텔레비전 Ben Stone과 유사한 문자
