Dot's Quaxwell MBTI 성격 유형


"Dot's Quaxwell은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Dot's Quaxwell은 mbti의 ESTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Dot's Quaxwell (Japanese: ドットのウェルカモ Dot's Welkamo), or Nidothing's Quaxwell (Japanese: ぐるみんのウェルカモ Gurumin's Welkamo), is one of Dot's Pokémon, and was her first Pokémon. Quaxwell takes part in her videos to teach young viewers on basic knowledge on how to become a Pokémon Trainer. He is usually outside his Poké Ball. As their species are known for, Quaxwell, while he was a Quaxly, loves to be clean and dislikes being dirty, as seen in Special Training with Cap!, when Roy attempted to touch the Duckling Pokémon, but unexpectedly got his hand slapped by him. Despite this, Quaxly has shown to be friendly, as he befriended Liko's Sprigatito and Roy's Fuecoco right away. Quaxly also has a habit of making poses for various reasons and seems to be a good dancer. Quaxly has been shown to be outgoing as he often accompanies Ludlow and watches the rest of the members of the Rising Volt Tacklers.

애니메이션 & 만화 Dot's Quaxwell과 유사한 문자
