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GSC President MBTI 성격 유형

GSC President MBTI 성격 유형 image


"GSC President은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? GSC President은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - so/sx - , big 5의 , socionics의 ESE입니다."

As INFPs, when we've dug in our heels in support of our decisions, it can be nearly impossible to convince us we're on the wrong path until after it's too late and we've learned our lesson. The GSC President is in this precise sort of situation when she speaks in the prologue and in Volume F. It may be that Sensei's feelings were noted by her and yet also largely written off the first time around, leading to the position the GSC President is in currently (seemingly gravely injured). Coming face to face with the consequences (and to Sensei), rather than being bitter or angry or too proud to admit fault, she speaks as if she has reflected heavily on everything, and it is a mature tone of genuine kindness, vulnerability and humility, as if she understands and resonates with Sensei's feelings even if Sensei may not remember anything that happened. On top of that, she seems to be very imaginative (her various thoughts and musings as Arona when she isn't assisting Sensei, if Plana's words are true and Arona is in fact the missing GSC President). And the GSC President interacts with Rin Nanagami in a way which can break through Rin's ice and make her show a genuine smile. It's a classic trait of a healer type, which INFPs are, approaching Rin at her pace and gently guiding her beyond the boundary of Rin's protective shell, into what seemed to be a very heartwarming and comfortable friendship between the two of them. For these reasons I believe GSC President to be an INFP.


비디오 게임 GSC President과 유사한 문자
