Lasciel MBTI 성격 유형


"Lasciel은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Lasciel은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

E: When she isn't manipulating people, there...really isn't much to her. She defines herself by what she can do with/to others, which is a lot, but like many villainous Extroverts, she's empty on the inside. When Harry rejects her distractions and forces her to THINK about how hateful she is, a change of heart quickly follows. S: Her first ideas for tempting Harry are classically physical: sex, money, external comforts. She eventually realizes that those things are only the lesser part of what motivates him, but by that time he's gotten wise to her presence and slowed her corruption of his subconscious to a crawl. It seems that part of what motivated Lash's redemption was being unable to separate herself from what her host experienced through S channels- his painful ascetic lifestyle. That allowed her to realize that a life without luxuries, a heroic life, isn't so bad. F: Before the fatal strike, Lash shows her true self: a sobbing, disheveled child of a woman. Harry- who is also a Feeling type, but more healthy- can calmly face his death and rationalize why it's not worth avoiding. Lash cannot. Her soul is saved by Harry appealing to her emotions, emotions she showed in the church despite millennia of sin and anger at her Father. The heroic act that follows is also irrational in the best way, a split-second decision to value the life of one man- a man she would have gleefully condemned to hell an hour earlier- over the intense suffering of cushioning the blow that would otherwise kill him too. The -emotion- of this act is what creates Bonea. P: Not sure about this one, but her preference for supporting/pulling the strings of more active characters hints at Perceiving. Also, she often takes time to collect her thoughts on a matter before replying to Harry's taunts.


문학 Lasciel과 유사한 문자

    일반적인 특성과 특성
