Storyteller MBTI 성격 유형


"Storyteller은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Storyteller은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

dark horse INTP vote over here... heres why! ti-dom: his primary concern is for collecting stories and discovering his past in order to gain an internally-consistent logical understanding of the world. everything else is secondary. ne-aux: cant find exact quote but his "that's how i got my reputation as a wandering vagrant who never hurt anyone and occasionally offers good advice" line feels very ne-aux to me. his ti goal (collecting a unified history of golarion via individual stories & understanding his past) is backed up by ne-aux keeping his options open. si-tert: he sees the history of an item/its owner just by touching it & he uses this power in conjunction with ne-aux wandering to achieve a ti-dom goal. plus his "not every secret must belong to the world... knowledge is distorted, and truth turns into tall tales. this is why i sit in my tower guarding... what i have obtained from others" line seems like developed child si to me tbh! just bc he has to fight to remember his past doesn't mean he has inf - or dom - si; his goal is more ti-si loop than anything tbh fe-inf: inferior but not under-developed. the main piece of evidence i can remember rn for fe-inf is how he treated staunton or daeran & their pasts: he didn't pass judgement & didn't offer comfort, he asked nosy questions just to sate ti curiosity, yet they felt better afterwards bc he just let them talk. seems like what an INTP with developed fe would do tbh


비디오 게임 Storyteller과 유사한 문자
