Melony MBTI 성격 유형


"Melony은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Melony은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w1 - - 285, big 5의 SCOAI, socionics의 입니다."

I think what's so interesting about Melony is that she is simultaneously a textbook "good" personality combination, and also one of the two people who factionalized a town so much that it split into two. It's weird because usually congnitive functions can be associated with different traits, but I found partisanship so hard to find. I feel like that Melony is most likely a ESFJ, with the Si both contributing to her loyalty to Gordie, and the very source of the relationship breakdown that split her town. Yes, she could be a ESTJ, which I would say would be the next most likely, but Melony possesses both enormous compassion (even after Gordie was a *****) and a strategic and logical mind. That strikes me as more Fe-Ti than Te-Fi, but it's still possible. The 2w1 over 3w2 just represents her still-loving nature, but the 1 adds that indomitable belief side to her. I chose LIE because the factionalized nature strikes me as Gamma Quadra. She's got an iron will, strong beliefs, is tough, and strategic. She's certainly not an ESE, and it's possible that she could be an ESI, but I think that Melony gravitates more towards N and especially T than towards introversion. The us-versus-them nature is also common in Beta Quadra, so Melony could be an EIE, but I believe that the description of her is much more LIE/LSE than EIE or especially ESE. LSE I also rejected, because the Delta Quadra nature is completely unlike hers. 2w1 seemed to make the most sense, but I would say that 8w9 is also possible.


비디오 게임 Melony과 유사한 문자
