Moon Joo-won MBTI 성격 유형


"Moon Joo-won은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Moon Joo-won은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Joo Won is a South Korean actor and singer. Born on September 30, 1987, as Moon Jun Won, Joo Won was given his stage name by his father when he entered college because the Korean words sounds like “God’s willing.” Joo Won debuted as a musical actor, joining a performance group for a children’s show in 2006. He then acted in a variety of musical theater productions, and his performance in “Spring Awakening” caught the attention of his future management agency. Joo Won branched out into television with his role in the 2010 drama “King of Baking,” and the series’ high ratings garnered him starring roles in future dramas, including “Bridal Mask” (2012), “7th Grade Civil Servant” (2013), “Good Doctor” (2013), “Tomorrow Cantabile” (2014), “Yong Pal” (2015) and “My Sassy Girl” (2017).

대중 문화 유명 인사 Moon Joo-won과 유사합니다
