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  2. 역사적
  3. Historical Figures (1200s)

Louis IX of France "Saint Louis" MBTI 성격 유형

Louis IX of France "Saint Louis" MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Louis IX of France "Saint Louis"은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Louis IX of France "Saint Louis"은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - so/sx - 126, big 5의 SCOAI, socionics의 EII입니다."

Probably one of the most humble and charitable king of all times. He personally fed poor people and encouraged his knights to do the same. He was described by Jean de Joinville, his seneschal and friend, as a very idealistic and stubborn person, but with a great sense of humor. He probably tried to emulate the perfect virtues that a Catholic king was expected to follow, but he had difficulties to interact with his own family and to show affection to them. This is probably caused by the oppressive realtionship he had with his own mother more than his type, but I think that his "following what the Church/society/mother would want me to be" is a sign of Fe over Fi. He costantly asked questions like "would you rather be in hell or be a leper?" to his friends, so I would say Intuition over Sensor functions. The result is Fe Ni Se Ti, an ENFJ. He could also be an INFJ, but it's rather difficult to assess.


Louis IX (25 April 1214 – 25 August 1270), commonly known as Saint Louis or Louis the Saint, is the only King of France to be canonized in the Catholic Church. He established the Parlement of Paris. After his death he was canonised (declared a saint) in 1297 by Pope Boniface VIII. He was a patron saint of barbers, France, groomers, button makers, sculptors.

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