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Samuel Hadida MBTI 성격 유형

Samuel Hadida MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Samuel Hadida은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Samuel Hadida은 mbti의 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Samuel Hadida (17 December 1953 – 26 November 2018) was a Moroccan-born French film producer. In 1990, Hadida formed a new company, Davis Films. Since 1993, the company has produced more than thirty Hollywood films, with True Romance being the first. Though Hadida contributed to the film industry over many decades, his work in spearheading the Resident Evil film franchise is what he is best known for. When Hadida learned the project was struggling, he reached out Constantin Film and offered a 50/50 venture deal. This project, as well as his work with the film adaptation of Silent Hill, has contributed to his recognition within the realm of video game adaptations

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