Jason Wilson MBTI 성격 유형


"Jason Wilson은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jason Wilson은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - - , big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 입니다."


Founder and CEO of Yunion (pronounced union), Jason Wilson has over 14 years of experience in training and developing young black men. Under his leadership, Yunion has effectively reached more than 10,000 youth and young adults in Metro Detroit. An expert in Emotional Stability Training®, Wilson also created the Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy (CATTA). Through his passion and leadership, CATTA has garnered numerous acknowledgments and awards for their work teaching boys how to introspectively confront and conquer their negative emotions with composure.

인터넷 유명 인사 Jason Wilson과 유사합니다
