Tracy Sohn (saranghoe) MBTI 성격 유형


"Tracy Sohn (saranghoe)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Tracy Sohn (saranghoe)은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sp/so - 947, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

She's ISFP. ISTP is possible as they also have a very strong sensing side, but ISTPs have inferior Fe which doesn't fit Tracy that well. I will start by explaining why she's not actually an INTP. For one thing, I hardly see any usage of Ti or Ne in her vlogs. You can tell the difference when you compare her to Faline San, an INTP YouTuber who's known for her randomness and sense of humor. Tracy's Se, on the other hand, is shown to be really strong as she puts a great deal of attention into her overall appearance (makeup, hair, acrylic nails, maintaining a very slim figure, and the way she dresses), which a real INTP usually wouldn't concern themselves with TOO much. She also appears to have a strong Si which is seen in the way she loves routine and documenting things in her daily life (ex: what she wears during the week, what she eats during the week, etc), though that may be just what she's most comfortable filming. She's also shown to be quite social (which ISFPs oftentimes are, in fact ISFPs and ISFJs I know irl could easily be mistaken for "extroverts" because of how loud and expressive they tend to be), frequently meeting up with her numerous friends and family members. It's VERY rare to see a video where Tracy is completely on her own. Based on her diaologues, she also seems to be someone who is very in touch with her own emotions (Fi). She frequently uses the words "I feel like...", which implies that most of her decisions are made using her own feelings and personal values rather than logic.


03 liner that posts fashion, beauty, food and lifestyle videos on her youtube channel.

인터넷 유명 인사 Tracy Sohn (saranghoe)과 유사합니다
