Bennet MBTI 성격 유형


"Bennet은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Bennet은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - sp/sx - 846, big 5의 RLOEI, socionics의 EII입니다."

ENTJ Bennet is honestly an interesting take. theres no way in hell he would have the same MBTI as Mattias (Fe =/= manipulative!! people still fail to realize this.) so yeah ENTJ is a possibility. we would just have to determine whether his Fi is inferior or tertiary, but we still havent gotten to see enough of him to determine some things. so far weve seen most of his outbursts such as stabbing a bear plush, stabbing someones hand with a pencil, pushing his own mother over to her death etc. does that point more at inf Se? im still not really sure. something tells me another reason (besides ironyisfunny) that he has been voted as INFJ comes from his latest appearance and how he treated Rudy in a much more caring and understanding way, but even then i think underlying signs of Fi were present: he expresses that he "doesnt know how to fix himself", which i think indicates a much more inward focus, then he asks rudy to "not do things just because they make him happy", which i believe to be an important point in differentiating Fe (Rudy) from Fi (Ben) and lastly, im still waiting for an argument on 4 core. i thought 6 core was obvious? or at least it was when it made sense that ben wanted rudys friendship proven to him, but now that i rethink about it i feel like that and his other outbursts show more signs of an 8 core trying to be in control, rather than rage stemming from a counterphobic 6 (using carmelo as a clear example), which are more evident in the therapy scene where he refuses to cooperate and doesnt want to be told what to do. probably 846? im not really sure still so i would probably have to hear another argument first but i feel like Ben doesnt belong on the heart triad at all.

