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Wonbin (RIIZE) MBTI 성격 유형

Wonbin (RIIZE) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Wonbin (RIIZE)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Wonbin (RIIZE)은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - sx/sp - 639, big 5의 RCOAN, socionics의 LSI입니다."

You all voting ENTP are insane, he's the most inferior Ne I've ever see in kpop. 1w9? Did you guys even see something about him? Wonbin hates to change, prefer doing the same things and eat the same food every day (he said this, and all members confirmed. I'll put the link below) Ne it's exactly this, new experiences, new ways of thinking/acting. Wonbin is always in his comfort zone and he is clearly decided and confident enough to don't get out. Shotaro said he was timid because he didn't want to go in the rollers, and that was the right word for me. He's not shy, he just avoid getting stressed based in his previous experiences (Si). He said that he always been like this, since child. He also don't appreciate different food types besides the ordinary he knows. This confirm even more his dominant Si Talking about his enneagram... I assume, he can seems to be a 9 too often, but there's one point in wonbins personality that just don't fit the 9s... It's the oscillations, 9 type can change himself to please the environment, wonbin don't look much like this. He care about people around him and frequently we see him saying something to a member to make them feel better. He is a very introspective person, but we see that he's more into interacting to people than normal ones of his type. This can seems like a 9 but my guess for him is 6w7 (that is sooo similar to 9s in real life) 6 is way too obvious, he hates confronting. There's this moment where he made a mistake in a TikTok video, he saw the mistake, you can see the regret in his face, but he was visibly too afraid/nervous to tell Taeyong and shotaro to do it again. Also with the polygraph game, he were clearly so afraid/nervous of that, he was even sweating. Don't get me wrong he's not a coward. he just don't like new things, it's different. You can see that he feels insecure/afraid to tell sometimes what he thinks, but even when others has a different opinion he don't settle for it and still (nervously) speak his mind. And then there is the w7 and 3, for me it's where makes it more balanced. 3: Wonbin is an idol... he loves to be appreciated, to hear that people think he's handsome and that he did a great job. He loves compliments and crave for it, he is a hard worker and a perfectionist (his own word to define himself) w7: He's also seems to be really sensitive to his friends feelings and try to make a happy environment. On the other hand he doesn't miss the opportunity to make a joke EVEN IF HE DOES IT ALL IN HIS QUIET VOICE TONE. He was also voted, by the members, for the most likely to pull a prank in riize. He's is not that extrovert and into people like w7s because of the other aspects of his personality... like his instinctual variant, temperament, etc. but certainly he don't seems to be a dominant 9 or a 1 or show any aspect of a 5, based in theory of enneagram literature. Sources: 18:50 https://youtu.be/FHkbdmdGrFE?si=uG6vLf198hZAtzfK 13:00 15:13 https://youtu.be/lPKynzuWt58?si=6gt005jrYh3CnVWF 27:38 https://youtu.be/RXH0PKo85vU?si=jlp_7KfDCBSwjvqm


Park Wonbin (박원빈; born March 2, 2002), better known mononymously as Wonbin, is a South Korean singer under SM Entertainment. He is a member of the boy group RIIZE.

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