Rika Seto MBTI 성격 유형


"Rika Seto은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Rika Seto은 mbti의 ESFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - so/sx - 728, big 5의 , socionics의 ESE입니다."

YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME RIKA I UNDERSTAND YOU LIKE NO OTHER!!! since her Se is very apparent already so i want to talk about her Fi. in double mix when rika found tsubaki alone in that chapel, she wanted to personally cheer her on for tomorrow's gig and when tsubaki broke down from the pressure rika started crying too. not for her sake but for tsubaki 🥺🥹 Fi in my own understanding is like the quote "don't do to others what you don't want done to you". an ESFP's Fi aux with Se dom together is like a punch, someone tells you their story, without knowing if its true or not (Te tert or lack of Ti? 🤣) you cry thinking how hard it must've been in their position, our Se dom makes us feel it irl. in rika's mind, tsubaki's experience probably flashed in her mind together with the fact she feels scared about not being accepted by a popular club since it's an "away" game for them (idk what that means but i get it) that's all i want to say, might edit once i've read their main story in-game. i'm trying to unlock them all first before reading it so it'll be a one time big time. not d4dj but she's so much like kalim from twst and emu from prsk 😭 i love my ESFP 7w6 so/sx 728/9 sanguine dom besties!!!


Rika is somewhat an impulsive but optimistic girl. She loves to have fun, sing and dance with her friends. Her opportunistic nature is what led for merm4id to form together! "Life's too short not to have fun!" - Rika Seto

비디오 게임 Rika Seto과 유사한 문자
