Inigo Montoya MBTI 성격 유형


"Inigo Montoya은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Inigo Montoya은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - sx/sp - 964, big 5의 RLUAN, socionics의 입니다."

Fi dominant should be obvious just from his storyline and how he reacted to it. He lost his father and became hella determined to avenge him, believing subjectively that it’s the right thing to do. He also explains it in a very Fi way in the scene at the top of the cliff, considering this to be his calling and the purpose he feels applies to personal identity. Inigo clearly uses his Se/Ni to avenge his dad - an Ne/Si user would be more melancholic, wallowing in self pity due to daydreaming about possibilities (Ne) as well as recollecting the past (Si). Inigo, however, simply does it. He sets smaller realistic goals (Ni) to achieve what he wants in a realistic, tangible way (Se). His Te inferior also shows when he leaves to find Wesley. Fezzic points out that he doesn’t know where he is, but inigo leaves on emotional impulse (showing Fi, Se and Ni at once) and disregards tactics and method. (Te).


A master swordsman working as a mercenary while searching for the six-fingered man who killed his father.

영화 산업 Inigo Montoya과 유사한 문자
