Razor the Shark MBTI 성격 유형


"Razor the Shark은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Razor the Shark은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - so/sx - 692, big 5의 SLUAI, socionics의 ESI입니다."

Basically a more temperamental Classic Mighty and I love him for it lol. I might need to reread the Archie comics since it's been a while, but I remember relating to his backstory in particular. He was kicked off a pirate crew due to a disagreement with the members, which drifted him off from his sister. While he was scared for his life drowning in unknown seas away from the people he once called, he soon found all his regrets washed away and a place call home with Coral and Pearl in their small and humble temple, protecting all the valuables keeping their city safe. His strong sense of morality despite having to back down from his family and fight others off if it means protecting what and who he believes is right shows a very strong Fi, and his lack of foresight being Se. Tert Ni is not too visible, but I think it's there since he uses his gut instinct quite a lot and takes meanings behind the things that he deems important seriously, though the latter might just be his Fi. While he's an so6, he doesn't seem too concerned towards following authority other than the ones he truly trusts, and he also gets his and others' logic clouded a lot, showing an inf Te and Ti blind. Though, him being an sx6 seems impossible either since he doesn't seem *too* unfriendly and having the goal of intimidating people, he even was the first one to accept land Mobians into the Great Blue Realm. He's just devoted to his duty, which he believes is protecting his "home", being Coral, Pearl, and the temple they reside in. 9w8 fix because of his more peaceful, agreeable, and generally open-minded personality unless anyone dared hurting his loved ones, and 4 (most likely so subtype) because he wishes to belong somewhere. Update: Nevermind, his envy is pretty much nonexistent nor does he feel any strong suffering for his circumstances compared to his sister, despite sharing the same childhood. He moreso felt validated for the love he received from his new family being Coral and Pearl, which he never truly received from the pirate crew (aside from his sister, and even then most of the time it's "tough love"). Most likely a 2 fix due to his insecurities in the Waves of Change arc stemming from how he feels that he's a worthless guardian who couldn't guard the Eusebes Shrine enough, guilty over not being able to give back something in exchange to the love Coral and Pearl gave to him.


만화 Razor the Shark과 유사한 문자
