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Bheem MBTI 성격 유형


"Bheem은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Bheem은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - so/sp - 268, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

ESTP because he fights well, has an appetite and is a bully? He has a very Si/Ne style of communication and action throughout the epic. While short tempered, he isn't impulsive. Few hold grudges as strongly as aux-Si users. He hurt Dhritarashtra by occasionally dissing the Kauravas even after the war. He's usually dismissive of new ideas until he's convinced by his more open-minded brothers. He's extremely caring and protective of Draupadi, despite her loving Arjuna more. That's high F at the least. ESTPs are well...not like that. He initially tried to be friendly with the Kauravas as a child, but was quickly spurned and replied with Fe style bullying (attacking social standing rather than Te style domination). He's rather naive, being fooled by his adversaries quite a few times. (Low Ne, low Ti) He shows tert-Ne in his occasional creativity when fighting, although he does better with Krishna's suggestions.


In Itihasa, Bhima (Sanskrit: भीम, IAST: Bhīma) is the second born of the Pandavas. The Mahabharata relates many events which portray the might of Bhima. Bhima is responsible for slaying all hundred Kaurava brothers in the Kurukshetra War. He was considered to have the physical strength of 10,000 elephants approximately.

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