Cheloo MBTI 성격 유형


"Cheloo은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cheloo은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w9 - sp/sx - , big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 LSI입니다."

Cheloo is clearly an ISTP because his Ti is seen in his logic and him standing by it to the bone through his approach on social themes in his albums and especially harsh messages addressing his dissatisfactions with society.His explicit music shows how he categorises and evaluates different aspects according to his principles, trying to prove how his view is valid.This blends with his tertiary Ni, as he has a hidden but existent vision about the world and foresees some implications. His auxiliary Se appears in his direct engagement with external world and living in the present, for example participating in the 8.000km rally from Dakar, Saudi Arabia in this year's begging, featuring adrenaline and strong sensations.This is not his dominant function though due to his secretive self, keeping personal information like relationships and preferences private, decreasing the probability of him being ESFP or ESTP. While most introverts enjoy time inside of their thoughts, he is also about action and activities. Ti-Ni loop adapts in here as well, making him be hyper focused on future ideas, neglecting his extroverted function and locking him inside his own mind.We might have seen this several times on his on screen behaviour, being very rejecting of the surroundings and things going on in the world around them. He relates very well to the ISTP stereotypes too, being a cold person, seeming mean at times & enjoying speaking about the mechanical traits of systems.


ChelooDate personaleNume la naștereCătălin Ștefan IonNăscut24 martie 1978 (40 de ani) București, RSR Cetățenie România ActivitateAlte numeTenny-E, Tenie, Teni-e, Tenny-e,Gen muzicalHip hop, HardcoreAni de activitate1994 - prezentInterpretare cuB.U.G. Mafia, R.A.C.L.A., Mihai Margineanu, Fritz H8, Chioru H8, Smiley, Mahsat, Anonim, FreakaDaDisk, Ombladon, DJ Dox, Zale, raku, Pacha Man, Guess Who, Spike, Bitza, Texta, Euphoric, Killarmy, Rimaru, Bishop, MarkOne1, Danez, Nimeni Altu', M&G, Puya,Prezență onlineSite webModifică date / text Cătălin Ștefan Ion (n. 24 martie 1978, București), cunoscut sub pseudonimul Cheloo, este rapper român, unul din membrii formației române de hip-hop Paraziții.  -- Paraziții (Romanian for "The Parasites", pronounced [paraˈzit͡sij]) is a Romanian three-man rap and hip hop group founded in 1994. It consists of Cheloo (Cătălin Ștefan Ion), Ombladon (Ion Pastaca), and FreakaDaDisk (Petre Urda). The group is largely known for their dark beats and political humorous lyricism.

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