Tom the Cat MBTI 성격 유형


"Tom the Cat은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Tom the Cat은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - so/sp - 379, big 5의 SLUEN, socionics의 입니다."

Obviously, (slightly unhealthy) ENFP. Spontaneous, (somewhat) friendly, and full of ideas.. A lot of Ne-Fi. (Though I can see how he may be ENTP, and why some voted for that. Still, I see more Fi-Te than Ti-Fe) In my opinion, he was a terribly written character. Barely had personality, I should say.. Like, when watching, you can see that the writers TRIED making him flawed (and thus, more relatable and humane), but all of the attempts to show his flaws only made him more annoying. Like, he was shown to be arrogant (in the least charming way possible), ignorant, and messing up a lot (in less of relatable, and more of annoying way).. It felt really unessesary, and like the writers were like "Aight, need to give the MC flaws. How about making him lazy, ignorant, obnoxious, arrogant, selfish, and a screw-up? Yah, that sounds like a likable and relatable character! DEFINETLY a character you can see yourself in, and for kids to look up to!" this is the only way I can imagine writers when writing his character. The only thing that made his character a bit less unbearably annoying, was him being funny. And when the time would come, and the characters had to be heroic and save the day, his entire personality dissapeared, and he became your classic, bland hero, who is there only to be driven by plot. Like, no more laziness or obnoxiousness.. Only heroicness and bravery, and the netire character becoming a meaningless plot device.. But anyway, that's just my opinion. Issokay if you like the character, I just wanted to say that I personally don't.


Thomas, known by his friends as Tom and also known as Talking Tom, is the titular character and one of the main characters of the Talking Tom & Friends Franchise. Tom is sensitive, anxious, and sometimes a bit greedy. Always trying to figure out how to raise money, no matter what. He behaves friendly when anyone praises him, but feels guilty and becomes angrier when anyone founds some of his dark secrets and becomes ruder when someone tries to tell any truth about him.
