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Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings) MBTI 성격 유형

Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings)은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - so/sx - 638, big 5의 SCUEN, socionics의 ESE입니다."

i hate stereotypes and i hate when people automatically type people they dislike as ESTJ/ESFJ. but i have to go with ESFJ. pearl has an over reliance an Fe. her entire channel is about teaching women how to appeal to men. when she declares statements like women shouldn’t vote, divorce should illegal, and women who divorce are selfish not out of a desire to break the peace of the tribe but to appeal the male demographic of the tribe (Fe). also inferior Ti makes more sense than inferior Fi. her appearance on H3 podcast with ethan klein makes her inferior Ti apparent. when ethan (ENTP?) pushes her opinions and beliefs, she becomes obviously flustered and embarrassed. she struggles to defend herself against ethan’s points. an example: ethan: . . . i got to know what was over embellished about slavery? [pearls sighs] ethan: just like one example! i’m dying to know! pearl: hmm. yeah, i just rather - i was talking about a book that i read. and i think to understand the context you would have to read the book. ethan: but you just said that some parts were embellished and some parts were under embellished. pearl: i just think that . . . ethan: are you retracting that? pearl: i just - i - i’d really just rather not. _______ if ethan truly is an ENTP, i don’t watch him enough to know his type, than his auxiliary Ti is strong enough to combat her inferior Ti. this is why he is so good at questioning her logic. it’s also helps that she lacks her own logic of the statements she claims to make. she makes controversial statements about slavery being overly embellished because she read a book about that was written by someone else (Fe). and when ethan says why do you think that though? she says that you have to read the book to understand to deflect the question. her dom Fe relies on everyone else’s knowledge to make up for her inferior Ti. this is why she breaks when she is confronted by ethan’s aux Ti, because she truly has no research or knowledge of her own.


Pearl Davis is the host of the JustPearlyThings YouTube channel, which specialises in "redpill" content.

인터넷 유명 인사 Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings)과 유사합니다
