Siobhán Súilleabháin MBTI 성격 유형


"Siobhán Súilleabháin은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Siobhán Súilleabháin은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sp/so - 451, big 5의 , socionics의 ESI입니다."

The way she cared about the witch in the first scene, the little boy who fell in love with her, Pardraic’s relationship with Colm, and the way she comfort Pardraic’s feelings really makes me feel like she’s a Fe user, also don’t forget the reason why she left Inirsherin is because she felt bored in that place, she wants to go to somewhere she can pursue her dream, she wanted a life where men aren’t silent and boring, she also wanna be loved, you can see her crying so badly in one scene because she’s been told she’ll never be loved and that she’s a freak, , she’s not willing to live alone forever, she felt lonely, she craves for social interaction,that’s the reason why she left (Another reason why she left is because the relationship between Pardraic and Colm has gone mad, it’s out of her control, but I personally think this is just the last straw for her leaving) I don’t think a Fi user will do the same thing as she did, especially a INTJ She’s very logical and reasonable through out the movie, but any type can be logical right? It’s not like if you’re not a Te user then you’re a irrational person, I’d say she’s a girl boss INFJ with well-developed thinking function


영화 산업 Siobhán Súilleabháin과 유사한 문자
