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Bobby MBTI 성격 유형


"Bobby은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Bobby은 mbti의 ESTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - so/sx - 741, big 5의 SLUEN, socionics의 SLI입니다."

ENFP i’m– there’s NO WAY he’s ENFP y’all…. He’s so clearly a Ti-Fe. Also he exudes Fe charm and always analyzes the whole marrying thing thru Ti lenses. No Fi whatsoever tho I’m kind of torn between Se-Ni and Si-Ne (going with Se for now), because even tho he seeks physical pleasures without depth and goes thru life without thinking much (Se), he also exhibits Si traits such as asking April to stay (during Barcelona) simply because it’s considered the appropriate response after a one night stand and the pressures he puts on himself to marry just because it’s socially expected (even if he doesn’t truly want it and/or isn’t ready for it). He’s definitely a Sensor tho


극장 Bobby과 유사한 문자
