Momota MBTI 성격 유형


"Momota은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Momota은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - sx/sp - 728, big 5의 SCUAN, socionics의 SEI입니다."

He's an ENTP. He's Ne-dom. For reasonings on that, look in my replies in other threads on this page, bc I'm not gonna copy-paste them to here again. Unhealthy ESTPs tend to get pissy, disconnected and blame others for their mistakes. Momo is doesn't blame others and doesn't deny his mistakes, he just doesn't mind them that much. He has Ne-dom characteristics, like previously mentioned. Both ENTPs and ESTPs are Fi-Blind, that's how you could mistake him for an ESTP. I love comparing him to an actual ESTP in Harada's works, Asaichi from Yoru To Asa no Uta. You definitely see the Fi-Blindness parallels but you can very much see the difference I'm going for. Asaichi's a classic over-domineering unhealthy Se dom, while Momo is pretty much a cliche Ne dom. I swear, you all call every "party animal" extrovert an Se dom. The scene were we get the most info about it is Chapter 4 in Volume 2. Momo gives a clear Ne dom characteristic here, "I'm always running from the boring and tiring stuff". He also implies he didn't even really like what he was doing but did it because of the (in the moment good) feeling he got from it. Also, he's very sx/sp. He sometimes seems like an so7 because those are the stereotypical loud ones, but he cares more about satisfying his needs and he doesn't deny his bad feelings in ways so7s would. He also doesn't give a shit about being seen as "good" or "positive" by others. He has the intensity of an sx7 and definitely cares most about interpersonal relationships (meaning he feels comfortable in them here, we never fully see him "taking care" of one). And if you look in Volume 2 Chapter 4, he mentions the unconscious prioritization of his own needs. "I ate and drank for free and got satisfied" That's the closest we get to anyone saying it out loud, because it's more of an unconscious practice he does you have to read between the lines for.


애니메이션 & 만화 Momota과 유사한 문자
