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  3. The Man From The Window

The Man From The Window MBTI 성격 유형

The Man From The Window MBTI 성격 유형 image


"The Man From The Window은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? The Man From The Window은 mbti의 ESFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - so/sp - 378, big 5의 SCOEN, socionics의 입니다."

I Prioritized the Following Fe- Obsessed with Friend making Ne- Creative Riddles to create Challenge I also thought Inferior Thinking because he's, quite bluntly, Lacking 😅 (I get that part's kinda Weak lol) 3: He's devoted years of his Life to Accomplishing his Goals 7: The way I Interpret it, he actively Complicates the Process to making it Interesting 8: Between 9, 1, and 8, this just made the most Sense S: I don't know how I'm Supposed to Clarify his Extroversion C: Never discouraged or deterred in his Friendmaking Quest O: He's dedicated, Relentless, and goes about his Business in a Routine Fashion E: I don't think anyone would find his Actions Agreeable N: He presents himself as Very Fixated (again, years on this) Melancholic- He's disturbingly calm and actually Well-Mannered during the "Peace Period" Choleric- He's very Susceptible to a Mortifyingly intense Conviction


The man From The Window is quite the odd fellow, with his big beady eye and sunken nose, why, he just want to say hello! As he smiles from ear to ear, the man wanders the quiet night, thought alleys and backyards he goes, making very sure to stay out of sight. He silently peers through the windows, searching for one thing and one thing only... A new friend is all he wants, for the man is very, very lonely. once you hear tap-tap tapping at the window, you will know he's found a new friend to play.

비디오 게임 The Man From The Window과 유사한 문자
