1. 사람과 캐릭터
  2. 만화
  3. Joseph & Lindsey (2020)

Donny the Skeleton MBTI 성격 유형


"Donny the Skeleton은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Donny the Skeleton은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 ILE입니다."


Donatello Richard Marshall (born June 12, 1984) is a talking skeleton and one of Plotagon City's three skeletons. On occasion, he is seen to be strict. Truett, Mike Jr., Blaire "Gerald", Hilda, and Dani are his siblings. In the episode "Donny", Abigail and Claude poke fun at Donny when they encounter him, which causes the three of them to fight. After the episode, they have became friends. It is revealed in the episode "Endeavoring to Fight", that Abigail has a crush on Donny despite the age gap between them.

만화 Donny the Skeleton과 유사한 문자
