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Nobuhiro Watsuki MBTI 성격 유형

Nobuhiro Watsuki MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Nobuhiro Watsuki은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Nobuhiro Watsuki은 mbti의 INFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Nobuhiro Watsuki (born May 26, 1970) is a mangaka who is far and away most famous for being the brain behind Rurouni Kenshin, one of the most successful manga and anime series of the 90s. He's worked on several other titles, however, including Buso Renkin, Gun Blaze West, and was, prior to a certain incident (below), splitting work between his newest work Embalming and some revival material for Kenshin. Watsuki is notable for several reasons, the first of which is his seeming mastery of multiple demographic appeal (which was most obvious and successful in Kenshin, but applies to all his works). The second thing he's famous for serving as the teacher for Eiichiro Oda, and helped that young man solidify his art style and work ethic. The final thing he's being famous for is being a bit of a history nut. On November 21, 2017, Watsuki was arrested and charged for possession of child pornography, shocking many fans when this was revealed a month later.

예술 유명 인사 Nobuhiro Watsuki과 유사합니다
