Ludivine Sagnier MBTI 성격 유형


"Ludivine Sagnier은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ludivine Sagnier은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - sx/so - 794, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 IEE입니다."

Ne and Fi are both really clear. Most of these quotes are my translations from French: "The more variety there is in my filmography, the happier I am." "What interests me is this: to approach something that I don't know. If one always goes to what one already knows, it perhaps signifies a loss of inspiration or desire." "To me, acting is still something that's very childish. You dress up and pretend you're someone else and have fun. That feeling has never left me over the years. Even if it's to explore very deep and mature emotions, there's still a very childish impulse to it." "I read 'Letters to a Young Poet', by Rainier Maria Rilke. The author asks a young poet to ask himself whether he feels the need to write poetry. I looked inside myself and felt the need to act." "I like the idea of being a wandering star. I feel good in diversity, freedom and independence." "Some actors make films for other people. I do them, first of all, for myself. The moment I like best is when I receive the script and find a thousand influences in my surroundings and in art." "What I remember from my childhood is that I always dreamed of being able to fly and do magic. I used to sit and stare at the sky for hours, just imagining what was out there." "I've known Omar [Sy] for fifteen years, and I adore him! [...] He's extremely funny and very spontaneous, but above all he's a rare being: honest, loyal, he has an ironclad sense of integrity and an almost anachronistic moral rigor." On an unrelated note, I have a pretty significant crush on her XD


Ludivine Sagnier (born 3 July 1979) is a French actress. She achieved international recognition with her role in Swimming Pool (2003) and has appeared in television series such as The Young Pope (2016) and Lupin (2021).

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