王语嫣 Wang Yuyan MBTI 성격 유형


"王语嫣 Wang Yuyan은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? 王语嫣 Wang Yuyan은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sx/sp - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

Why no one dare to type her ? 🤣 She is clearly an ISFJ to me. (Although I also wish she is INFP too, because I like this character and my goddess is INFP too) But obviously she doesn't driven by Fi Dom like Duan Yu and Xu Zhu shown. She give me impression that she was the brain or at least a kungfu walking dictionary for Murong Fu (That's why I type him as ENTJ although I am more inclined for him to be INTJ, it is quite weird feeling for me. INTJ doesn't remember things by himself instead he rely on a secretary, it just doesn't feel right to me.) She was good in memory and she can memorize almost all the wushu secret in a library. There were multiple time in the book, the author mention that she remember the books all for fun, not by interest or force by the others, but I have to be objective, she do mention in a couple of scenes that she remember those infos was because she feeling touch by Murong Fu's ambition and his telltale, hence trying to help him in this way (Could be a supporting evidence for Fe secondary too ?). Wang Yu Yan is like a secretary to Murong Fu. While secretary's archetype is ISFJ. Although she keep tailing her cousin because she fall in love with him, again, you don't have to be N to be a brainless lover. At least she doesn't fantasize unrealistic scenario with her lover like Duan Yu did. While she seems quite brainlessly fall in love with her cousin. She show her love through serving her cousin and she do compare skills and traits of Duan Yu with her cousin's, when she want to decline Duan Yu's propose/affection. She is quite tradition and practical I will say.


문학 王语嫣 Wang Yuyan과 유사한 문자
