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Jake Tuonto (Tuonto) MBTI 성격 유형

Jake Tuonto (Tuonto) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Jake Tuonto (Tuonto)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jake Tuonto (Tuonto)은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - sp/so - 649, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 SLI입니다."

Alright, I don't know why other people chose INTJ, but here's my explanation why I think Jake is an INTJ. A thing I noticed with Ni users is that they have a big tendency to have an INTENSE focus on one thing before moving to another. Jake does this with Jean. Most Ne users who play genshin (from what I've observed) is that they don't have a focus on one character. They want to try new characters, or at least main multiple characters and have a general focus on multiple characters. Most Ni users who play genshin (once again, from what I noticed) love to have an intense focus on one character immensely until they complete it or get them, and then move onto the next one. This does not only occur in genshin, but in other games and his methods of playing them as well. His playthrough of OMORI and "I can't deliver at night" (or something) were done in one or two sittings. It's his intense focus into the game and his determination to complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible. I can't say anything about his Valorant playthroughs since I don't go on twitch and he only does Valorant things on twitch, but my suspicion is that he gets extremely competitive and has an intense focus when he's playing, striving for the best he can do and challenging himself constantly with a "**** it, let's do this" mentality. This isn't fully definitive, since it's mainly behavior focused, but it still contributed to my judgement nonetheless. "Se doms also have an intense focus on characters too, why can't he be an Se dom?" Good question, me. A huge difference between an Se dom and an Ni dom is that Ni doms APPLY Ni in their everyday life while Se doms APPLY Se in their everyday life. While both Ni doms and Se doms use both these functions in their top 4 stacks, Ni doms don't outwardly apply Se while Se doms don't outwardly apply Ni. Se doms have much better observation skills and are much more impulsive when gaming, usually doing the absolute basics of preparations and jumping into something and doing things on the go. They're also prone to saying things without thinking sometimes, like KubzScouts if you know him. Ni doms are more thoughtful and careful with their words and put a lot more emphasis on them. They like to look ahead and plan things through, while leaving a bit of wiggle room to do things on the way (unlike Si doms/aux). While Ni doms are also very observant, they don't take much action on it and use it as a way to gather information. In this case, Jake is more of an Ni dom moreso than Se dom. He plans things a lot, almost too much sometimes, and he doesn't actively impact the physical environment. He understands and observes it (like his chat) but he doesn't let it influence it too much, if he knows his purpose for the stream and what he's planned. This is what I think anyway. His Se inferior/aspirational is also pretty obvious too. Most Se inferiors (once again, from what I've observed and experienced as an INFJ) love challenges and love to challenge themselves in everything they do. One thing I noticed with him is that he is very goal-oriented and he has a purpose in everything he does. He's extremely achievement focused as well (which can be shown in his windbloome event video) and strives for the best he can do. His Te-Se works together in knowing what people want to see, or what they think about what he's doing in this specific moment, or how he can go about the task in front of him in the most efficient way, etc. His Te is obvious in how he acts and how he speaks, but it's not physically applied into things as often as he is observing and gathering information. His Ni-Fi application is harder to notice, but his tertiary Fi is very obvious, especially in his "I got my viewer a free 5 star character" video. His healthy Fi sympathy reached out to this person and got them a Klee because of his immense care into his fans. How healthy Fi (dom or tert) works is that they picture THEMSELVES into someone else's shoes and imagine what they go through, making them able to relate to people very well (more than Fe users sometimes). Healthy Fe (dom or tert) is that they understand the emotions that the other person is feeling and mirror their emotions, making them feel similarly to them without "relating" to them. In this case, Tuonto related to that viewer and put himself in that viewer's shoes, giving them a Klee. Another example of his Fi is how easily he established his personal likes and dislikes on things without the influence of others. "I like this." "I don't like this." "I hate this. I hate this so much." "This is awesome!" etc. If he was Fi aux, he would let his personal preferences influence his decisions but he would be more adamant about sharing his thoughts about things. Fi aux has a more static identity/moral code that they don't change unless given a better viewpoint that they resonate with and they're not as adamant about showing Fi unless asked. This is what I think anyway. Thank you for reading!


Jacob (Jake) Tuonto, better known online as Tuonto, is a twitch streamer/content creator.

인터넷 유명 인사 Jake Tuonto (Tuonto)과 유사합니다
