Gwendoline MBTI 성격 유형


"Gwendoline은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Gwendoline은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - sx/so - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

INTJ, IMO Ni: one step ahead, for instance, she sees the possible outcome of Alexis using his gun to have someone killed, (which he did, when he attempted to shoot Ludwig Dieter) so she jammed his gun. And when they're going to rob the bank in Paris, funnily predicted that Ludwig would sweat on his way on the bank. Had a perfect/accurate gut that Ludwig could've a very good job to crack safes in the first place (even though her only background information is his YouTube channel/videos, a clear Ni-Se axis, inferior Se miss the obvious/common sense to satisfy the Ni vision, and Gwen's lucky that her Ni proves her right, that Ludwig can break/crack all four of Wagner's safe) . Te: planning (this by no means Ti can't plan), looking at the statistics, manifesting from when they're planning to rob the bank in Paris, she took note that statistics shows that most people would go to the bank's bathroom to take ****. Using this statistics, Ludwig could stay there and wait for Gwendoline Starr. Fi: kinda, childish, she feels good when she steals and suppressed it. In the end she decided to be rational and let Ludwig board the boat alone, despite having feelings from him. Her actions, why she's doing all the robbery is based in her Fi, and personal values/feelings. That is contrary to Ti which is personal/subjective logic. Fe polr: didn't know what to say to Ludwig at the house after the assh*le Alexis throw him out of the van in Prague. Se: data gathering, and the karate move



영화 산업 Gwendoline과 유사한 문자
