Sal-lee MBTI 성격 유형


"Sal-lee은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Sal-lee은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w2 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

okay i know she matches the edgy ENTP stereotype pretty well but where exactly is her Ne? Ti? she has a lot of Te (first leading the starian mission, being VERY goal focused and then giving up the leadership position to barbie because that would be the most rational choice, as she was the one bringing the team together and that would give the desired effect; she also acknowledges the rules and is even eager to correct others when they dont conform to them even tho she isn't really keen on following them herself); i can see how tertiary Fe would make sense as well (saying that bringing up barbie's mother's death wasnt the best move) but still Ne dominant and Ti auxiliary aren't really speaking to me and as much as i dont want ot judge the physical ability of an animated character, i think she is a bit too ... smooth to have Se as a last function. she is very sure of her movements and actions, just like an Se user would. im open to arguments for ENTP though, i dont have a lot of knowledge about enneagram yet so maybe thats where the problem lies, i guess 8 is kinda similar to Te? edit: i rewatched the movie for the like 4th time and she has so much Te? no idea why the ENTP votes. low Se doesnt make sense at all either


영화 산업 Sal-lee과 유사한 문자
