white star MBTI 성격 유형


"white star은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? white star은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 8w7 - - 147, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 입니다."

Thought he could've been Choleric [Dominant], but I feel he would've been too unstable if he was. So, I had figured he may be Choleric-Phlegmatic due to his cautious nature and ability to control himself pretty well. He mainly seems more Choleric [Dominant] just because of all those times he's faced against Cale. I had a bit of trouble deciding his instinctual variant, but ended up going with sp/sx—since it's obvious he's not going to have 'so' in there, as he doesn't care about connections with anyone. He's only using his subordinates for satisfactory results despite his small displays of affection toward his closest associates [they've been with him for a while after all], but yet again, that's contradictory since he has the curse on him that kills anyone he shows the slightest liking to—so that throws that out the window. I've considered sx/sp, but I feel he values his safety out of anything else and that's his top priority at the moment. If he had achieved his goal of being a god or whatever then I'd think he'd be a sx/sp because he wouldn't need to care as much about his security. Now, SLOEI did make me lean towards more of the side where the White Star may be ENTJ because it did suit him very well compared to Alberu's, but I can't always be too sure so, currently, my choice is ENTJ as well; until I find any evidence that he may not be one. I don't really see the White Star as an ESTJ, but if someone would explain why they think he is, then that would be much appreciated.

