Yi Kui MBTI 성격 유형


"Yi Kui은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Yi Kui은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - - , big 5의 RCOEI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

idk man, if he uses Ni-Te, he would've had succeeded in eating Lin You (/Joel)'s dream. Not all Fe users are healthily altruistic; he's a flippin' dream demon species after all. But that being said, he still uses Fe in *attempting* to achieve his goal (to feast on LY's dream) through Fe-tactics e.g. manipulation / persuasion and acting friendly, instead of straightforward Te problem-solving, efficiency-oriented method. I think the author made it obvious to the readers: the irony is that Yi Kui all this time has been *acting as if* he was 'acting as if' he cares about Lin You only to eat his nightmare. But readers can see that he does care about Lin You as a friend (or more lol). Besides, in the recent chapter where they kinda fought, he still has the heart capacity to be attentive towards Lin You (e.g. asking a girl classmate Shirl to accompany (/sit beside) Lin You cuz he looks kinda lonely). Ain't no Te-Fi user cares about those stuff, especially not when the other person wrongly accused them of something they didn't do. It'd be easier for Fi-Te user to be trapped in their own feelings to notice other people's emotions, like how Lin You was like "Did you treat me kindly just because I'm a 'premium meal?" and was too busy being butthurt about it to notice Yi Kui's expression that was hesitant and equally hurt about the misunderstanding...

