Morgan Le Fay MBTI 성격 유형


"Morgan Le Fay은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Morgan Le Fay은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sx/so - 145, big 5의 RLOEI, socionics의 LSI입니다."

Ok fine I just want to ask,can anyone tell me where is her Fe? She prefer dominant with others in her willing and manner , isn’t that obviously higher Te?(Well……maybe someone think that is E8 not Te,she is also really INFJ 🫤). But in fact with her says I just can see much more Te and Fi,so I don’t think she is a Fe user, however if anyone think that is badly Fi user ( such as INFP or ISFP) have to use Te, I can also support them. But why she is E4 main ? Because of she looks gloomy ? What a joke for it! I just can see too many E1 with her (maybe E8),she has too many higher demands with herself and her country, and her saying also include many precept, in this case,I don’t believe she is not E1 main.


비디오 게임 Morgan Le Fay과 유사한 문자
