Happy Chaos MBTI 성격 유형


"Happy Chaos은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Happy Chaos은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sx/so - 784, big 5의 SCUEI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

I'm confused. Where on earth are all of the INTJ votes coming from? This man is named Happy Chaos. He's quite literally got a line with Asuka about how he taught him to be more open minded. That screams Ti-Fe. He knows everything sure, but he wrote the damn book, it's all his thoughts and scribblings. Again, Ti. Not to mention his total disregard for his own safety he kept the man who knew his only weakness around due to it adding some drama. You'd never catch an INTJ being so knowingly careless. This is literally in his description of what he likes. "He has no attachments so it's constantly changing, but right now it's a toy jewel he randomly picked up." ENTP's interests are constantly shifting. From one thing to another, whatever can captivate their interest for a while. I should know as an ENTP myself. With all of that said. I think it's clear that Happy is an ENTP.


Happy Chaos, or simply Chaos for short, is a mysterious character in the Guilty Gear series who discovered the Backyard and influenced the history of the world under various aliases. Chaos's original personality is largely unknown, but he's a man who became overwhelmed by the complete knowledge of the universe, seemingly losing his sanity and becoming an unusually "pure" being. He views the concepts of good and evil as equal values, making him potentially end up causing major incidents or being on the side of justice. He's an erratic and unpredictable individual, befitting his name. The reason he causes turmoil is due to him loving the "emotional part" of today's immature culture. As humans pursue efficiency, they become mechanical and "lose emo" once it arrives. Thus, Happy Chaos does his best to always "stir" trouble and cause problems in any sort of way he can without giving a direct answer. "It took me ten years to find the answers to something; I forgot about it in two seconds"

비디오 게임 Happy Chaos과 유사한 문자
