Yashiro Kawaji MBTI 성격 유형


"Yashiro Kawaji은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Yashiro Kawaji은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - - , big 5의 RLOAI, socionics의 입니다."


The 9th available character. A 26-year-old seminary dropout who's willing to take the fight to the Old Gods, having gone to Shiokawa upon receiving a letter by his dead sister. He is unlocked by safely drinking eldritch blood. He has higher Knowledge, but lower Charisma, and starts with a Bronze Crucifix. He has the unique Ominous Letter affliction, which increases the amount of experience he needs to level up by 40%, as well as the unique Faith stat, which is affected by his success in combat and grants him minor bonuses as long as you keep it above a certain level. Introduced in the 0.9.15 update. His personal perks On Your Own, My Weird Collection, Stealth, and Zeal increase all of his stats by 1 if he has no allies, grants him a new occult artifact after each mystery, grants him 10 experience every time he runs away from combat (which is about the same as the experience gain from winning most combats), and increase his combat damage at the cost of lowering his maximum Stamina and Reason respectively. His personal item is the Marked Bible, which restores +1 Reason or Stamina if Yashiro's Faith is above or below 0 respectively.

비디오 게임 Yashiro Kawaji과 유사한 문자
