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  2. 종교
  3. Early Islamic Figures

Nuh (Noah), Islamic Prophet MBTI 성격 유형

Nuh (Noah), Islamic Prophet MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Nuh (Noah), Islamic Prophet은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Nuh (Noah), Islamic Prophet은 mbti의 ENFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Nuh (Arabic: نُوحٌ‎, romanized: Nūḥ), also known as Noah, is recognized in Islam as a prophet and messenger of God. He is one of the Ulu'l azm prophets. Noah's mission was to warn his people, who were plunged in depravity and sin. God charged Noah with the duty of preaching to his people, advising them to abandon idolatry and to worship only God and to live good and pure lives. Although he preached the Message of God with zeal, his people refused to mend their ways, leading to building the Ark and the Deluge, the Great Flood. In Islamic tradition, it is disputed whether the Great Flood was a global or a local one. Noah's preaching and prophet-hood spanned 950 years according to the Quran.

종교 유명 인사 Nuh (Noah), Islamic Prophet과 유사합니다
