Cleanthes MBTI 성격 유형


"Cleanthes은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cleanthes은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w9 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

He certainly was the one who give stoicism the so often called "ISTJ" vibe people talk about and I am not only referring to his live as a physical worker he was the one to make stoicism materialistic. The concrete evidence I see in his approach to epistemelogy where he took Zeno literally teaching that experienced impressions by the senses to the soul are like a seal on wax compared to his pupil Chrissipus who was a ni se prob ( ENTJ) user having a more empirical approach. Their approach to the same thing shows clearly the differences in their cognitive functions.


Cleanthes (Greek: Κλεάνθης Kleanthēs; c. 330 BC – c. 230 BC), of Assos, was a Greek Stoic philosopher and successor to Zeno of Citium as the second head (scholarch) of the Stoic school in Athens. Originally a boxer, he came to Athens where he took up philosophy, listening to Zeno's lectures. He supported himself by working as a water-carrier at night. After the death of Zeno, c. 262 BC, he became the head of the school, a post he held for the next 32 years. Cleanthes successfully preserved and developed Zeno's doctrines. He originated new ideas in Stoic physics, and developed Stoicism in accordance with the principles of materialism and pantheism. Among the fragments of Cleanthes' writings which have come down to us, the largest is a Hymn to Zeus. His pupil was Chrysippus who became one of the most important Stoic thinkers. Source:

철학 유명 인사 Cleanthes과 유사합니다
