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Adam Yuriev MBTI 성격 유형

Adam Yuriev MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Adam Yuriev은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Adam Yuriev은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

During the event with Son wanting to be like his older brother with escorting, Adam was shown to have high standards and expectations of his own abilities that it revealed that he wasn’t as perfect as his little brother and Thomas thought. Adam spent his time perfecting his speech of a gentleman and a knight, messing up and telling himself he needs to get his act together when he does. He’s a perfectionist. But he’s a worrywart, he worries about his brother and does something about it. Often telling his brother to use his powers with a purpose. Saying that he shouldn’t get overheated. Especially with his whole odic force thing, he tells the player (I guess) of how the odic force is used in great detail as if he has perfected this subject and understood the usage of this ice magic better than others. But I believe he does have developed Fi that sometimes his act can be mistaken as him being an INFJ but he just knows how to I guess adapt? He gets pretty idk??? While translating his character story for Arena Live, the things he say are like someone definitely with a developed Fi. Like he emotionally feels obligated to do something. But also lowkey this is like an INTJ thing too… Translated by me: Adam Yuriev: I’m starting to think that you and Son are somewhat alike. From now on and so on, you’ll become an existence that I just can't leave alone.


Adam is the imperial guard knight captain of an icebound kingdom. To repay Her Majesty who saved him, he wields his magic sword cruelly.

비디오 게임 Adam Yuriev과 유사한 문자
