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Nine Inch Nails - Closer MBTI 성격 유형

Nine Inch Nails - Closer MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Nine Inch Nails - Closer은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Nine Inch Nails - Closer은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sx/sp - 584, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 ILI입니다."

Inferior Se grip. If you look at the lyrics, you’ll see that the character is clearly treating the intimacy as a symbolic release while being in a state of mental distress. The lyrics are Ni because the character sees the act in an abstract/ symbolic way: “you get me closer to God” and the whole time he’s not singing about the concreteness of the action itself, but of what meaning it has. Something Se would be the actual act itself, like describing the person’s body, not the symbolism of the act. Just because the song is about s3x, doesn’t mean that it’s Se dom! Is every intuitive person asexual? Also, this song isn’t Chaotic Evil just cause it sounds scary… someone explain why they voted it that?


Genres RYM: Industrial Rock, EBM (Electronic Dance Music, Post-Industrial), New Beat (EBM), Electro-Industrial, Synthpop, Trip Hop* Descriptors RYM: Male Vocals, Sampling (Production) Theme: Sexual, Introspective, Nihilistic (Philosophical), Self-Hatred, Misanthropic, Hedonistic, Anti-Religious, Alienation, Violence, Existential* Style: Eclectic, Dense, Atmospheric, Rhythmic, Complex, Noisy, Repetitive, Dissonant Atmosphere: Dark, Ominous, Mechanical, Hypnotic, Cold Tone: Vulgar, Hateful, Serious Mood: Anxious, Aggressive, Angry, Disturbing, Energetic, Sombre, Sad
