Selena Burke MBTI 성격 유형


"Selena Burke은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Selena Burke은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - - , big 5의 RLOAI, socionics의 입니다."


Selena Burke is a supporting character in My Next Life as a Villainess! All Routes Lead to Doom!. She is the fiancé of Prince Ian Stuart. She is the one who orchestrated the kidnapping of Katarina Claes during the Magic Academy's School Festival, so that Geordo Stuart will be forced to renounce his rights to the throne and make Ian ascend to the throne.

애니메이션 & 만화 Selena Burke과 유사한 문자
