Traditional MBTI 성격 유형


"Traditional은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Traditional은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - so/sp - 613, big 5의 , socionics의 LSE입니다."

I think the consensus for 8 function model is definitely correct it’s definitely ISTJ or the SJs ; probably SLI LSE or LSI in socionics. Being “traditional” can have a lots of meanings but I simply think people who are traditionalist have a fear of change and a fear of stepping out of their comfort zone so they play the safe way. I have to debunk some takes here: ⭐️Enneagram⭐️ It’s actually E9 not E6 ; of course E6 deals with a “fear of change” but they’re also quite adaptable and rational, they will sometimes probably welcome change if it ends up giving them the security they aimed for, yes SP6 might be a traditionalist or right wing conservative for the most part especially cause this subtype is the most concerned about security ; but I see E9 fits more cause E9 hates change in general they’re driven by sloth, so it’s more natural for them to just blend in the group instead of having their own opinion, they’re the once that are hyper fixated on routines and schedules, and they’re totally OK with how things always are, they are the classic “goodie two shoes rule followers” of the tribe, unlike E6 who fears change which is rational so I think E6 is more adaptable and a great problem solver mover and trouble shooter (this is more evidence in SX6), but for the E9 simply hates change so they would most likely cling or merge with their environment (SP9), their close friends and family (SX9), or the tribe(SO9). That’s my take for enneagram. 🔯Astrology🔯 Taurus > Capricorn ; I REALLY have to debunk this cause my friends all got a very wrong understanding on Capricorn sign, I have to mention that there’s a misconception about Saturn or it’s rulership ; actually the whole concept of Saturn is about rules and structure as well as hard work and efficiency that’s pretty much it ; this CAN be traditions, but I don’t think it necessarily mean that, I agree that Capricorn is in fact one of the most traditional sign but wouldn’t make the cut in a broader term cause it’s not a fix sign, Capricorn in a nutshell is a goal achiever that focus on the future- also all cardinal signs are like this, they can end up being creative entrepreneurs that change the world or you know a fraud that will do everything to get what he wants (this is not traditional at all!), so my take would be Taurus, similar on how I already described about E9, Taurus HATES CHANGE, simply because change makes them uncomfortable, I would liked to imagine Taurus as someone who liked sticking to a routine plus a job that makes them feel comfortable also a stay at home dad, which again the idea of Taurus being a fix sign and an earth sign actually fits the term “traditional” more. Also Aquarius is probably the most misunderstood sign and WOW this one is a hot take, since Aquarius is also a sign that’s ruled by Saturn, and yes being a traditionalist is probably an overlook aspect of Aquarius, well Aquarius can be both actually of being a traditionalist or a non traditionalist, but I really think since Aquarius is a fix sign that’s ruled by Saturn, it’s most likely going to be one of the most traditional sign surprisingly, they are actually very rigid minded, especially when it comes to ideology(air sign quality of focusing on ideas), it’s common for Aquarius to follow a religion, a school of thought, or even a cult cause they valued being mentally secured, Aquarius are actually very stubborn people, it’s a very conservative sign, I imagined Aquarius would probably ending up being bigots and gatekeepers because of their intellectual arrogance, they are hardcore by the book nerds first and foremost. (Basically a result of air sign + fixed sign + Saturn rulership sign), also Aquarius moon are especially rigid with their way of thinking can be extremely stubborn, of course when I make claims about astrology it doesn’t necessarily implied to people born under those signs those are just my assumptions. Not forgot to mention I’m very close to an Aquarius, she claimed to be a traditionalist, mainly due to her fear of changes and how unadaptable she is in the real world, she’s also the type of person that DOES NOT change her mind easily it took forever to argue with her based off how mentally fixed she is, she’s also a hardcore “by the book nerd” ; I’m not a nerd at all and always tell her to not always do things by the book cause it’s simply impractical, cause you need to experience reality to really learn cause you simply can’t learn everything by the book! And this is not how you learn! Since I am the type of person that’s more focus on the present moment and my surrounding I’m very practical and not a by the book nerd at all ( also this is literally my Capricorn Rising clashing with her LOL). Yet, personally I’m not a traditionalist at all I always liked to challenge my friends and family encouraging them to be more open minded ; I do still celebrates holidays though, but I’m probs one of the most anti-traditional person you’ll ever meet.


Following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing.
