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Sunoo (ENHYPEN) MBTI 성격 유형

Sunoo (ENHYPEN) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Sunoo (ENHYPEN)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Sunoo (ENHYPEN)은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w6 - sx/so - 729, big 5의 SCUAI, socionics의 ESE입니다."

after some time rewatching enhypen's content, im very certain that he definitely has some high ass Ne. due to his extraverted nature (how he sees something and immediately voices it out, or you can say he thinks out loud) im confident that he's Ne dom, which also explains the way he has trouble using Si (i dont think furthur explanation is needed lmao) unless he's in a grip, that is. you can see it time to time when he's stressed. not to mention, he seems to have high Fi tendencies as well, just how he expresses himself, the way he barely hesitates to say how he feels unfazed by the people around him, the way he relates things around him in his very own perspective and empathises with them HARD as long as he feels like they're personal to him. however, it's strong but not subconsciously activated nor engraved in him, which makes it an auxiliary function where he can actually switch his Fi button on and off. to sum it all, his tertiary function, Te: he seems to have no serious problems using it as well, tho most of the time he may seem too irrational and often as jake said, "judge a book by its cover", but i think that's part of his Te (being objective, tend to be straightforward when dealing with problems rather than overthinking them, want things to be "done" instead of "perfect and accurate"). and the combination of Fi-Te results in his not-so-obvious push-and-pull relationship with either being "empathetic and sensitive" or "straightfoward and ignorant" (if you noticed it, he can appear unbothered sometimes under the condition where he has no personal relation/intention to adapt to the atmosphere.) edit: BABES pls read comment for (very)furthur explanation


Kim Sun-woo (Hangul: 김선우), better known by his stage name Sunoo (Hangul: 선우), is a South Korean singer and dancer under Belift Lab. He is one of the vocalists in the boygroup ENHYPEN and he was one of the contestants and winners in the reality survival show I-LAND.

KPOP 유명 인사 Sunoo (ENHYPEN)과 유사합니다
