Long Sword MBTI 성격 유형


"Long Sword은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Long Sword은 mbti의 ISTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - - 153, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."


Long Swords (太刀 Tachi), often referred to simply as LS, are long, slender blades designed for elegant movements. They were first introduced in Monster Hunter 2 (there were Longsword-shaped weapons in the original Monster Hunter, but they were only cosmetically different to a normal Greatsword). Longsword users have a gauge that fills up with repeated attacks on monsters (although it does drain quickly when not attacking). Once the gauge is full, all attacks become more powerful. The Spirit Combo attacks are also unlocked and all attacks become less likely to bounce. However, the fragile nature of the blades means it is impossible to block with them. In the third Generation games, completing a full Spirit Combo attack on a monster causes the gauge to change colour. It changes from white to yellow and finally to red; each colour causes attacks to become more powerful. However, when not attacking the colour will eventually revert to the previous one - only repeated Spirit Combo finishing attacks can keep the colour gauge full. In Monster Hunter 4, the red gauge cannot be refilled with additional spirit slashes. Additionally, when the red bar runs out, the spirit gauge returns to its default state. In Monster Hunter Generations, the gauge just loses one level, even in red.

비디오 게임 Long Sword과 유사한 문자
