Duan Jiaxu typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Ref to the novel, not the manga (also, i read the novel like at the start of 2021 so i might not remember all the scenes, im basing this of memorable scenes) He definitely has fe over fi, that means he is a ti-fe user. Fe isnt that strong, i doubt its a dom, could be aux or ter. This narrows it down to ENTP, INFJ, ESTP, ISFJ. In my opinion ISFJ is the least likely, as he there is no way he is an si dom. left with ENTP, INFJ and ESTP. 1.ENTP and ESTP. I cant really think of an instance when he used ne. He can either be a reallly oblivious ENTP, or a ESTP. im picking ENTP, because he 1. Isnt really extroverted (ENTPs are one of the most introverted type in the extroverts and ESTPs are one of the most) 2. He doesnt really fit in with the hyperactive ESTP vibes and he is more quiet and chill (that being said, i barelly know any ESTPs or read abt ESTPs so). So ENTP. 2. honestly, i dont really think he is an INFJ. He doesnt really have any ni moments, and if he was an INFJ, he would have at least a hunch that sangzhi likes him, but choose to brush it of. Even when sangzhi revealed to him that shed liked him for a very, very long time, he was really surprised and didnt show any signs that he, at least once, had a thought that sangzhi liked him. INFJs use ni with fe, that means they use their ni (intuitive gut feeling) with their high awareness of peoples emotions (fe) to identify peoples thoughts and emotions. I kind of feel like its not practical that his ni did nothing at all, especially when sangzhi litterally flew over with a lie that the person she liked was at the city he was at and she literally told him that that person was older and already in university, hinting that it was him (how could ni not pick this up?). Someone can argue its because they are literally 5 years apart and she isnt of age yet so its natural he wouldnt think of that, but INFJ would at least think about the possibility, or draw two and two together due to their ni dom and when they find out probably just act like they dont know to not hurt anyones feelings, especially since he is well aware that sangzhi blushes when she sees him etc etc. Very important:the fact that he continues to tease her even though shes blushing and feeling uncomfortable really isnt what a INFJ would do. Thats legit screams ENTP to me. Also, i read another persons post on why hes a ti-fe ENTP because of his experience in school and being avoided bcs of his fathed. U can go read that too. Tldr: either ENTP ESTP or INFJ. Not as hyper as ESTP, doesnt really have ni-fe so not INFJ, must be ENTP until someone can prove otherwise. Feel free to challenge! I was quiet surprised of the ENTP picks initiay, but aft much thinking i kinda bought into it. Looking forward to a nice discussion :D


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