Shikoku typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

Social Gluttony manifests as a hunger for this sense of social ease and for all of the things that they believe will give it to them, predetermining their social activities. Their plans often turn to planning futures in which they finally get what they lack, gaining a sense of belonging, social acceptance, and social standing. A common misconception is that this type is truly selfless and sacrifices themselves for others, which isn't necessarily true. While the theme of sacrifice is common in the SO7, not only does this "sacrifice" have more to do with sacrificing one's desires (renounce) rather than self-sacrificing for others, but even when it is related to self-sacrificiality, it doesn't come from a background of true selflessness, but rather so that they can be seen as extraordinary and saintly by others, feeding the narcissistic ideal-self in which they take refugee to escape painful underlying feelings of inferiority, unworthiness and rejection. Once the other's look of admiration is secured, the Social Seven has already gotten what they wanted, thus they stop being serviceable and flee social contact so that a deeper bond is not created — that way their fraudulence can remain undetected and they don't have to commit on a deeper level, which as Sevens they fear. This whole strategy requires a lot of enthusiasm, idealism and social skill, but behind all of these traits lie many selfish compensations, those often being appreciation, recognition, good image, reduction of conflicts, creating debts for others to repay. All of this is achieved by manipulating through enthusiasm. Ichazo titled SO7 "Social limitations", a person who keeps predetermining his social activities[1], having an ideal of goodness or saintliness as a desire to not be gluttonous exploiter.[2] Naranjo referred to people of this type as "good children", the kind who seek validation of their image as good people through performance, kindness, generosity and charm[2], although he also observes that "behind every good boy there is a spiteful brat" that remains fraudulently hidden.[3]


Shikoku is one of the Hachiraishin, consisting of the so-called Gods who rule over the Shuuki.

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