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  3. Persuasion (2022)

Anne Elliot typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

The perfect type for a movie that revolves around deep pov and inner conflict. I adore her! I don't understand all the flack the movie gets after finally watching it. Dakota's approach to playing the character is not only interesting but relatable, and not in a #relatable #embracemodernity kind of way. I love the way that you can tell she genuinely pities everyone around her which is why she can't actually be angry with them. Considering that the book character was an ISFJ, I can imagine that it didn't take much to persuade that version of Anne Elliot because she most likely had no backbone, not throwing shade to any ISFJs though. But as an INFJ, Anne is a highly reasonable and empathetic character who we can assume was persuaded from marrying Wentworth by reasonable arguments. She ultimately blames herself (not in a self-pitying way but a just, evaluative way) And being an ENFP myself, considering that she is my shadow type, I just found it adorable how she suppresses her feelings so much that she may spontaneously feel compelled to say them accidentally or not so accidently and cause a lot of awkward tension in public, while I would usually say my feelings so much, at least the ones others understand, that I will often feel compelled to suddenly suppress them.


The middle daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, Anne is described as "an unconforming woman with modern sensibilities" – whose life is turned upside down when she is suddenly reacquainted with her former lover.
