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Mika Egashira typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

"Most people want to project a good image to others, but sx4 don't care much about image management or being liked by others." Yes, it’s so sexy fours don’t care about a good image, which literally contradicts the whole essence of this character. She wanted to be adored and loved, so she changed her appearance, behaved acting cute and hypocritical, which would not be typical for a sincere E4 Naranjo wrote that sx3 have low self-esteem and tend to compare themselves with others, belittle and devalue themselves. "Sexy E3 is competitive if he sees that he has rivals who can take away his place of affection. Especially in love relationships, he can be very jealous and envious, although he does not show this openly: this is a veiled competition, with strategies. Try to be the most beautiful, the kindest and the most sympathetic and act as if it comes naturally to you, without thinking that many times this means winning a competition for the affection of your loved one. Feeling his insignificance, he compares himself and does not feel capable, although he longs to be like the one he admires and envies. He looks outward as if there is nothing inside him to support him, to hold him, to concentrate him. And there is a lot of competition among people of the same sex." Sx4 openly angry and demanding, still emotionally open, this is not observed, she controls her emotions very well her emotions and only shows what suits the image of a good girl so that everyone likes her. Naranjo says this subtype may be the most angry personality among the Enneagram types. They may express envious anger as a way of establishing or asserting power when they feel inferior on a deeper level, which may be a way to manipulate situations to their advantage I don’t remember her openly expressing her anger, on the contrary. she decided that she should be beautiful in appearance, for which people would love her, and not demand anything from others love.she did a lot to support her appearance, which was even emphasized. Yes, inside she is envious and insecure, but in public she presents herself to others.


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