1. Ludzie i postacie
  2. Teatr
  3. Notre Dame de Paris (musical)

Claude Frollo typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

French: Moi qui me croyais l'hiver, me voici un arbre vert Moi qui me croyais de fer contre le feu de la chair Je m'enflamme et me consume pour les yeux d'une étrangère Qui ont bien plus de mystère que la lumière de la lune Tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire Et je vais te maudire jusqu'à la fin de ma vie Tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire J'aurais pu le prédire dès le premier jour, dès la première nuit Tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire Tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire, tu vas me détruire Tu vas me détruire. En: I who thought I was winter, here I am a green tree I who believed myself to be iron against the fire of the flesh I ignite and consume myself for the eyes of a stranger Who have more mystery than the light of the moon You will destroy me, you will destroy me And I will curse you until the end of my life You will destroy me, you will destroy me I could have predicted it from day one, from night one You're gonna destroy me, you're gonna destroy me, you're gonna destroy me You're gonna destroy me, you're gonna destroy me, you're gonna destroy me You will destroy me. I don't know if my French to English translation does it, but if it's not NI-FI loop this I don't know what it could be. Daniel Lavoie renders very well the idea of ​​Frollo whose misunderstood feelings result in an uncontrolled passion that leads him to condemn the same Esmeralda in which he sees his end. Even more Vittorio Matteucci in the Italian version, which both vocally and acting gives the idea of ​​a man mad for a sick love.


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